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Meeting – Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present:  Amy Albert, Sam Fiore, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Ellen Talkowsky,  Jan Kendall, Bev Moustakis, Sandra Power.  Absent:  Judith Wolfe

The meeting came to order at 7:35 PM. It began with a discussion about the appropriateness of revising the minutes to include items that had not been addressed during the meeting.  It was decided that, by definition, the minutes are an account of what actually occurred during the meeting.  If any member wants information that was not discussed included, it must be brought up at the next meeting in order to become part of the record.  

The minutes of the meeting held June 23, 2009 were read and revised to include that Home Depot supplied the materials for the traffic island on Washington St.  Under the supervision of Sam, city employees installed the stones and Home Depot employees along with city employees did the planting.  Community Service workers spread the mulch.

Old Business

  • Traffic Islands - Sam reported that the Washington St. traffic island project was a good project and a learning experience.  She is often there at 5:30AM for deadheading and fertilizing.  Many people passing by express their appreciation.  Sandi acknowledged that Amy assisted in the creation of the botanical centers of interest scattered down the length of the island.
McDonald Square traffic island at Essex and Webb:  A neighbor contacted Jason Silva about the poor island condition, and he in turn e-mailed Sandi asking for BComm help.  Sandi contacted Ellen who contracted with the Sheriff’s Dept. for the morning of Friday, June 19th, and Sandi drew up the plan to clean up and mulch the island and ordered a yard of mulch to be delivered.  Sandi called for volunteers from the Derby St. Association and from our members.  Dolores Jordan, a gardener and neighbor, who has cleaned up this island before, volunteered to oversee as Sandi would be away.  Dolores encountered a serious conflict and Ellen volunteered, armed with black garden fabric and scissors.  Finally, Ellen, Judith, and BComm associate, Janis Manning, and the men from the Sheriff’s Dept. did a fabulous job on the island, rain not withstanding.  It was learned afterward that another neighbor, Roger Haigis, and others, had, over a period of weeks, cleaned up several bags of trash from the island, and they plan to accept Dolore’s offer of plants to upgrade the Square.  
Sandi noted that three more islands need clean up.  Sandi asked Ellen if she can be reimbursed for the $ she has paid for mulch, etc.  Ellen noted that RCG donated $500 for Artists’ Row.  Mary Ellen has spent $250 to date leaving $250 for fall.  
Sam noted that Dunn’s Greenhouse in W. Newbury specializes in mums and that Knapp’s Greenhouse has nice perennials, reasonably priced
Sandi brought up three islands needing clean up:  Colleges Island, Verizon Island, and Beadworks.  Bev planted Beadworks and Ellen will see if City can spread mulch in front of Grazianis and Beadworks.
Sandi reported that Riley Plaza looks great except for the far end which no one has sponsored
Islands at Essex and North St. have been planted.  Sandi, Judith, and Joanne McCrea did the planting.  
Mary Pellitier planted the new exit next to Dubes; need to send thank you.  Sandi planted Rose Insurance Island.  Charlene Bailey stopped and helped; need to send thank you.
Island at Washington Sq. (Alicia Hart used to plant) was weeded and cleaned up by Marcia and Sandi.
Sandi identified problem areas in the City:  Crosswalk from Dunkin Donuts to Post Office.  Sandi spoke with trustee.  He will give no money, but will keep mowed and pick up litter.  Medium on Mill St., from Canal St. to Margin.  
We need $ allocated to keep unsponsored islands looking good.  Amy suggested leaving them alone, but Sandi countered that is “not acceptable”.  We need to vote on the allocation of $.  Ellen noted that there are other beautification things we can do around the City.  Need to have goal of the look we want.
Window Boxes and Island awards will take place, August 5, 5:30PM in the Emmerton House garden.  

  • Tremendous Event – Ellen reported that she e-mailed the draft of what is being proposed. Ellen will find a time to meet with Donna to form a subcommittee.  She needs help identifying list for distributing the information, i.e; clubs and organizations, schools, etc.  Ellen will forward dates to all.
  • Newspaper Boxes – Marcia received e-mail from Jason saying that the Building Dept. has started to issue permits for the newspaper boxes.  If organizations do not get permit, their boxes will disappear.  Riley Plaza boxes are gone.
  • Smoker’s Receptacles – Ellen said that seven businesses have applied for 6 receptacles:  CVS, Gulu-Gulu (2), Taste of Asia, Harrison Comics, Eastern Bank, and Salem, Inc., and the Post Office.  Jennifer Bell will send award letters this week.  Main Streets is doing a photo op and article.  They want to feature Harrison Comics.
  • Plant Sale in Sept. – Sandi spoke with Gibney.  They offered to deliver mums the 2nd weekend in Sept.  They will sell them to us for $2.90 (regular price $3.49)  We would sell for $4.50.  Question:  Do we want to hold a plant sale?  Sandi did not speak with Darlene.  It was decided that holding a plant sale was a lot, in view of the time commitment to work on the Tremendous Event.  Also, mums will be on sale at Salem’s Farmer’s Market.  Decision was made to not hold the Sept. plant sale.
  • Meeting Time Limit Readdressed – All agreed that meetings need to end by 8:30-9PM.  More sub committees are needed so that monthly meeting will be more reporting of what sub committees are doing.  
New Business

  • Mary Ellen has contacted the MBCR.  They will check on possibility of doing a mural at the MBTA train station and get back to her.  This is a work in progress and no decision has been made at this point.
  • Sandi is resigning as the traffic island chairperson.  She is trying to recruit more              outside volunteers.  Ellen does a lot; we need to divide up the work and have other members take on more.  
Meeting adjourned at 8:45PM

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Kendall

Next meeting:  August 25, 2009
Chairperson:    Marcia Lambert